Stand-out and Succeed as a Social Media Virtual Assistant
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Stand-out and Succeed as a Social Media Virtual Assistant

Trying to find work as a social media virtual assistant can be tough. It seems that anyone with a Facebook account thinks they have the credentials to take the job.

But simply drafting and posting content is never going to get the client the results they want. Which is why clients come to us all of the time asking if we know anyone who can do social media AND get results.  

The virtual assistants who can draft and post content are a dime a dozen. But a successful Social Media Virtual Assistant knows how to create an intentional strategy that produces results. Follow these simple steps to succeed as a social media virtual assistant as well as get and KEEP the clients.  

Social Media Virtual Assistant

Start with a Strategy 

To really be intentional with your efforts, you must start with a strategy. This strategy should outline who your target market is, explores where they hang out on social media, and outlines things like how often you should post, what kind of content should be posted, etc. 

Here’s a few things to keep in mind when drafting a strategy for a client:

  • Make sure the client is on the right platforms! Just because a client has a Pinterest account doesn’t mean they need one. Consider who the target market is and then determine where that person spends time on social media. Don’t waste time marketing on Twitter if your target is really hanging out on Facebook or YouTube. 
  • Don’t post too often. Did you know that over posting can actually HURT your engagement? If you’re client does not have at least 10,000 followers on their Facebook page, posting more than once a day greatly reduces engagement. 
  • Always include engagement in your strategy. If you’re only posting and never replying to comments, it’s the equivalent of standing on the street corner with a loud speaker spouting off sales pitches. This won’t net you much results. So always include time in your budget for daily engagement to go in and reply to comments, respond to messages, etc. 

Implement Your Strategy Efficiently

Once you have a solid strategy in place, your job as a social media virtual assistant gets much easier. Now you know how often you should post and what type of content to post. And you should have an understanding of how much autonomy you have as well as when you need your clients approval.

We find that it’s a more efficient use of your clients time if you schedule your posts either weekly or monthly and then simply drop in to do engagement daily. 

Pro-Tip: Third-party scheduling tools are not always the best option. For example, Facebook gives priority to content that is scheduled in THEIR scheduler rather than a scheduler like Hootsuite.

Social Media Virtual Assistant

Collect Your Data

A successful social media virtual assistant doesn’t just post and run. Instead, they go back and evaluate the results. In order to do that, you need to take the time to collect your data monthly. By looking at things like likes and clicks you can determine what types of posts performed the best, when the best time is to post etc. 

The reason why intentional social media virtual assistants stand out is that they know what statistics to look at in order to understand their target better. And, as a result, they are able to draft content that is going to produce better results. 

If you aren’t collecting data, then you can’t possibly adjust your efforts to produce more results. 

Adjust Your Efforts

While you should collect your statistics monthly, it isn’t necessary to look at the data and make adjustments that often. In fact, looking at the data over a 3 month period instead will help you be more intentional with your adjustments. 

For example, if you note that Facebook is netting more sales than LinkedIn, perhaps you should recommend that more time and efforts be devoted to Facebook and minimal efforts be invested in LinkedIn. Some platforms, such as LinkedIn, are often part of the strategy simply to build and reinforce reputation only.

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