Successful Social Media: Top Tips from Industry Pro's
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Successful Social Media: Top Tips from Industry Pro’s

We asked some of the top social media strategists what their tips were for successful social media that produces results. 

Here are their top 3 tips! 

Successful Social Media: Top Tips from Industry Pro’s

1) Always have a plan 

As with anything, you’ll see the MOST results from your social media, when you have a plan. Simply posting great content and waiting for something to go viral is not enough. 

Sure great content is essential part of any plan. But it can’t be all of it. 

A good plan considers your target audience when deciding where, how often, what, and when to post to social media. But it doesn’t stop there.

2) Successful Social Media is Social

Successful social media is a conversation. Like any social setting, to really connect with those around you, but you must have a two-way conversation. No one likes the “Ms. I’m-a-pretty-big-deal” at the party who does nothing but talk about themselves and how great they are. 

So make sure to actually engage with your audience. Ask questions. Really listen and seek to understand them. Share other peoples content that would appeal to your audience. After all, people share those who share. 

And, when someone comments on, likes, or loves one of your posts, ALWAYS take the time to comment back. Even if only to say “thanks for the love.” 

Successful Social Media: Top Tips from Industry Pro’s

3) Be flexible

Successful social media isn’t rigid and cold. It’s relate-able and relevant. So, while we encourage that you always have a plan, be prepared to scrap your scheduled post for the day to share an  amazing industry-relevant article that Forbes Magazine just posted. 

In order to follow of second tip of being part of the conversation, it’s important that you are part of the conversation WHEN it’s happening. 

Nothing would weaken your social credit more than post “OMG I just saw this. Is this blue or gold?”  Cuz, Chickie, that is old news. 

For more tips for successful social media, join us in our Virtual Academy. 

If you want to learn how to do intentional social media, join us this month in our Virtual Academy. We’re talking about strategy, implementation, engage, collect metrics, and more. 

In addition to LIVE training, our membership includes templates, client educational materials, and materials to help you marketing yourself as a successful Social Media Virtual Assistant.

Join our Virtual Academy and learn how to create successful social media today!