Optimize Your Blog with These Top Tips
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Optimize Your Blog with These Top Tips

Optimize your blog today and make the most of your efforts. 

We know, it’s easier said than done. Search engines, like Google,  often change the algorithms they use to determine the top ranking websites (meaning they show up on the first page of search results.)  

But there’s no point in writing a blog, if you can’t get traffic to the site so that people actually read it! Follow these blogging best practices to optimize your blog posts and start moving up in the rankings today! 

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Optimize Your Blog with Keywords

It’s well known that you need to have keywords in your blog for it to rank. But, you can’t just throw a bunch of words into a blog and hope the search engines pick it up. The ole hashtag method doesn’t apply with keywords. 

Instead a more strategic approach should be used.  

Here’s a few tips about Keywords:

  • Use “searchable terms!  Your keywords will literally be useless if they aren’t terms that people will actually type into search engines to find your blog. 
  • Don’t use a keyword or phrase more than once. That means, if you already wrote a blog with that keyword targeted, you should never target that keyword again in another blog. If you do, you are only competing with yourself for search engine rankings and will just spin your wheels when trying to optimize your blog. 
  • Use your keyword in your blog title, headers, and through out your blog. To really optimize your blog, your keyword density should be around 1-2%. That means if your blog is 600 words, you should use your keyword rougly 6-12 times. 

Chirping with Purpose

When you’re passionate about a topic, it can be easy to ramble. But make sure your “chirping” with purpose. 

Make sure your blog is AT LEAST 300 words to ensure you’re writing something of value, and can authentically keep your keyword density strong. There isn’t a magic word count number to stick to. Instead, you want to keep your content engaging.  If you chirp-on too long, you’ll bore your readers and they will start to click away. 

Pro-Tip: Determine if your content is engaging by watching your bounce rate of each blog. This tells you whether a reader stays to read the entire blog, or “bounces” early.  

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Optimize Your Blog with Cornerstone Content

Every blog and website should have designated cornerstone content. Your cornerstone blog should be packed with information and updated often. The keyword or phrase that you choose for your cornerstone blog sould be the most common thing that someone would type in to Google to find you. 

Many skip this important step because they think “there’s no way I will ever rank for that term!”  So they don’t even try.  But you CAN rank for that term if you set up your cornerstone content and optimize your blog right!

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