Putting the "Fun" in Funnels: Our Top Secret Tip
Virtual Assistant Skills, Virtual Assistant Training

Putting the “Fun” in Funnels: Our Top Secret Tip

The other day I was finishing up a shopping trip at Target and heading toward the automatic exit doors.

I noticed a lady walking a few feet to my right and keeping the exact same pace. It struck me as odd that she wasn’t slowing down and just expecting her doors to magically open as they were clearly manual doors, not automatic like the ones I was approaching. 

At the last moment, likely an inch from doing a full face plant into the glass door, she abruptly stopped. In that moment she turned around, went back around the security post that separated our entrances, and walked through the automatic door.

While I held in a chuckle, I immediately wondered, why did she not just put up her hand, push open the door and walk through?

Surely that would have been less time consuming than stopping and walking to a different door.

Stop Over-Complicating Things

This got me thinking. 

Like that lady who could have easily kept walking forward had she just put up her hand and pushed, I have also been guilty of over-complicating things that were so simple.  But, a digital marketing principal I learned during an Infusionsoft Certification course, helped me to stop over-complicating things. When speaking of Infusionsoft marketing campaigns, he said “think of campaigns like mapping out a road trip. If you’re driving from Chicago to L.A., you’re going to drive the direction of California. You’re not going to make a needless stop Orlando, Houston, or New York. So determine your goal, and then map out the more effective and efficient way of getting there.”

We frequently see clients over-complicate their digital marketing efforts. Time and time again they come to us with poorly thought out big ideas for fancy funnels. 

And, their “funnel” is more like a leaky bucket. It’s structured to lose leads almost as fast as they come in. And, they can’t figure out where they went wrong. And, we educate our client on how to create a simple and effective funnel. 

Top-Secret Funnel Tip

Our number one super-top-secret-tip to NOT over-complicate your funnel is… stop giving your consumer so many options!!!

My biggest pet peeve is a sales page with a billion call-to-actions. I’m not talking about the ones with multiple buy now buttons on a page that all lead to the same product. I’m talking about the sales page that has multiple DIFFERENT unrelated actions you should take. (ie. “Like” me on Facebook, Join my List, Download my Lead Magnet, AND Buy my product… all on the same page!)

I think of this as the “spaghetti-method” because it’s like throwing some noodles at a wall hoping that they stick.

Putting the “Fun” in Funnels

We believe in being much more intentional with your funnel. You must direct the potential customer through the sales process, guiding them every step of the way, and selling them on what to do next.

This month, we’re diving deep into the world of digital marketing and exploring the simple process of building a functional funnel that converts! And we’re putting the “fun” in funnels.

If you’re ready to stop over complicating and take the obvious step right in front of you, take this 60-second quiz to discover your virtual superpower today.